How to Choose the Right Material for Your Garden Furniture

Choos­ing the right mate­r­i­al for your gar­den fur­ni­ture is piv­otal to cre­at­ing long-last­ing out­door com­fort and style. From wood to met­al, find the best options and where to buy gar­den fur­ni­ture online in India.


When you talk of giv­ing some life to your out­door space, you can­not dis­count the fact that choos­ing the right mate­r­i­al for your gar­den fur­ni­ture is some­thing you just can­not do with­out. Fur­ni­ture must not only fit aes­thet­ic desires but also can resist ele­ments while remain­ing com­fort­able. Whether loungers for cozy­ing up on a lazy Sun­day, din­ing sets where one might spend week­ends nurs­ing brunch, or a sim­ple bench on which to rel­ish your morn­ing tea, the mate­r­i­al cho­sen plays an impor­tant role in its dura­bil­i­ty and com­fort. How to decide which of the numer­ous gar­den fur­ni­ture avail­able online in India would fit in your space?

In this blog, let’s take down the var­i­ous types of mate­ri­als used for fur­ni­ture, their pros and cons and choose a per­fect one that will best suit all your needs, lifestyle, and envi­ron­ment.

Fac­tors to be Con­sid­ered While Choos­ing Gar­den Fur­ni­ture

Before turn­ing to these mate­ri­als, a few words in advance have to be men­tioned about three main aspects:

Cli­mate: Are there many heavy rains, scorch­ing sun, or strong winds where you live? That mate­r­i­al should be as sound under such cli­mat­ic con­di­tions as it was when new.

Main­te­nance: Some mate­ri­als need con­stant upkeep; oth­ers are almost main­te­nance-free. You will want to con­sid­er how much time you are will­ing to spend clean­ing or pro­tect­ing your fur­ni­ture.

Com­fort and Style: Dura­bil­i­ty is impor­tant, but com­fort can­not be for­got­ten. Dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als lend them­selves to dif­fer­ent degrees of com­fort, depend­ing on how well they can form to the body and espe­cial­ly if cush­ions are used or not used with that mate­r­i­al.

Bud­get: Just like any oth­er invest­ment, there is a wide range of out­door fur­ni­ture prices accord­ing to the mate­r­i­al. Select some­thing that fits your bud­get with­out sac­ri­fic­ing much on qual­i­ty.

Pop­u­lar Gar­den Fur­ni­ture Mate­ri­als: Pros and Cons

  1. Wood

Wood has been the favorite for a long time when it comes to gar­den fur­ni­ture. Wood is beau­ti­ful by nature and quite ver­sa­tile. It goes along very well with out­door envi­ron­ments and gives a time­less, rus­tic appeal.

Well-known types: Teak, aca­cia, euca­lyp­tus, cedar


Durable: Hard­wood vari­eties like teak and euca­lyp­tus have an inher­ent resis­tance to rot­ting and bugs and are suit­able for out­door use.

Nat­ur­al fin­ish: Wood fur­ni­ture has a cozy, organ­ic look that fits most types of gar­den or patio decor.

Envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly: Most of the wood vari­eties are har­vest­ed respon­si­bly, mak­ing it an eco-friend­ly choice.


Main­te­nance: If made from untreat­ed wood, this must be sealed or oiled occa­sion­al­ly to keep the weath­er off it.

Cost: Some high-qual­i­ty wood­en fur­ni­ture, espe­cial­ly teak, can also be cost­ly. But if it lasts long enough, then it is worth it.

If you want wood, first look for gar­den fur­ni­ture online in India that uses FSC-cer­ti­fied wood so that it is sourced sus­tain­ably.

Met­al gar­den fur­ni­ture can resist a lot of abuse and comes in many dif­fer­ent styles from very con­tem­po­rary to anti­quat­ed. The three most com­mon types of met­al used are alu­minum, wrought iron, and stain­less steel.


Resis­tance to Rust: Met­al fur­ni­ture, par­tic­u­lar­ly alu­minum and stain­less steel, does not rust eas­i­ly. This makes it a great option for areas where humid­i­ty or rain­fall is high.

Low main­te­nance: Met­al fur­ni­ture is less high main­te­nance than wood. A wipe-down usu­al­ly does the trick to make it look like new.

Light­weight (alu­minum): Alu­minum is made for mobil­i­ty because it is extreme­ly light and easy to move, ide­al for peo­ple who rearrange fur­ni­ture often.

Futur­is­tic: Met­al is a clean, mod­ern aes­thet­ic that pairs well with min­i­mal­ist decor or a con­tem­po­rary patio.


Heat Reten­tion: Met­al does get pret­ty hot in the sun and may even be too hot to sit on with­out cush­ions.

Weight (for wrought iron and steel): Wrought iron and stain­less steel are heav­ier, which is great for windy places but makes them immo­bile.

Cor­ro­sion (for cheap­er met­als): Low­er grades of met­al will rust or cor­rode if not treat­ed prop­er­ly.

While buy­ing out­door fur­ni­ture online in India, ensure that you get to know the mate­r­i­al spec­i­fi­ca­tions so that it would be of good qual­i­ty and rust-resis­tant met­als.

  1. Rat­tan or Wick­er

The fur­ni­ture can be rat­tan or wick­er. They present them­selves beau­ti­ful­ly, wired, and light in weight. Nat­ur­al rat­tan is tak­en from palm stems. Syn­thet­ic wick­er, on the oth­er hand, is com­mer­cial­ly more com­mon and is made of poly­eth­yl­ene. Most peo­ple pre­fer these for out­door use.


Light and easy to move and rearrange, light­weight wick­er fur­ni­ture is ide­al for those who want a flex­i­ble gar­den arrange­ment.

Aes­thet­ic Pli­a­bil­i­ty: Wick­er gives a relaxed, casu­al feel and can be offered in many col­ors and designs, per­fect to be used with­in the theme of old styles as well as mod­ern setups.

Weath­er Resis­tance (Syn­thet­ic Wick­er): Rat­tan or wick­er syn­thet­ic is weath­er-resis­tant and UV-resis­tant, a more intel­li­gent option for out­door use com­pared to nat­ur­al rat­tan.


Fragili­ty: Nat­ur­al rat­tan tends to break or crack under extreme weath­er con­di­tions.

Main­te­nance: Syn­thet­ic ver­sions hard­ly require any after­care, but nat­ur­al rat­tan requires main­te­nance and care to look per­fect.

Price: Good qual­i­ty syn­thet­ic wick­er fur­ni­ture has very high prices, although it lasts longer than the nat­ur­al vari­ety.

If you are look­ing for no-main­te­nance, long-last­ing pieces of fur­ni­ture that can stand up well to the ele­ments, then syn­thet­ic wick­er is a good option when buy­ing online for gar­den fur­ni­ture.

  1. Plas­tic or Resin

Plas­tic or resin fur­ni­ture is one of the best choic­es if you don’t have a lot of extra bud­get for out­door fur­ni­ture. It is cheap, light, and comes in a vast range of styles.


Afford­abil­i­ty: Plas­tic fur­ni­ture is gen­er­al­ly the cheap­est option.

Weath­er Resis­tance: Plas­tic or resin fur­ni­ture is resis­tant to UV and water, thus mak­ing it a fine fur­nish­ing for year-round out­doors.

Easy to Main­tain: Most of the time, plas­tic fur­ni­ture can be cleaned sim­ply by using soap and water to wash it.

Please remem­ber the fol­low­ing points about plas­tic fur­ni­ture:

  1. Porta­bil­i­ty: Plas­tic fur­ni­ture is light­weight and easy to move, mak­ing it con­ve­nient to read­just or store dur­ing bad weath­er.
  2. Dura­bil­i­ty: Plas­tic is not as durable as oth­er mate­ri­als and can become brit­tle over time, espe­cial­ly when exposed to extreme heat or cold.
  3. Aes­thet­ic Appeal: While plas­tic can be designed to look like wood or rat­tan, it gen­er­al­ly lacks the ele­gance and feel of those mate­ri­als.
  4. Envi­ron­men­tal Con­cerns: Some plas­tic fur­ni­ture is not eco-friend­ly, although some parts can be recy­cled.
  5. Con­crete or Stone

More peo­ple today choose con­crete or stone fur­ni­ture for their bold, mod­ern look. They are strong and incred­i­bly durable and are best uti­lized in pub­lic out­door areas or those areas that will be pound­ed by gusty winds.


Very Long Last­ing: Stone and con­crete are almost inde­struc­tible and quite suit­ed for areas exposed to harsh weath­er.

Low main­te­nance: Stone or con­crete fur­ni­ture, once set in place, requires a min­i­mum amount of upkeep.

Aes­thet­ic Impact: These mate­ri­als have a sleek, mod­ern look that could be the epi­cen­ter of your out­door space.


Weight: Con­crete and stone fur­ni­ture is heavy and hard to repo­si­tion. Once placed, they can stay there for a long time.

Cost: These mate­ri­als can be expen­sive, espe­cial­ly if the pieces are cus­tom-designed.

Com­fort: Stone and con­crete are not so com­fort­able by them­selves. Ade­quate cush­ions or padding are usu­al­ly required.

Where to Buy Gar­den Fur­ni­ture Online in India?

Now that you know which mate­r­i­al suits your needs the best, let’s find the per­fect pieces for your space. Here are some great places to buy out­door fur­ni­ture online in India:

Cre­ative Seat­ing Sys­tems:
Cre­ative Seat­ing Sys­tems is one of the Top Man­u­fac­tur­ers of Cafe Chairs and Sup­pli­ers in Pune, Mum­bai, Del­hi, and Ban­ga­lore. We offer a large col­lec­tion of Cafe Chairs, Cof­fee Chairs, Wood­en Cafe Chairs, Direc­tor Chairs, Exec­u­tive Chairs, Din­ing Chairs, Lob­by Chairs, Work­sta­tion Chairs, Out­door Cafe Chairs, etc. We check qual­i­ty at all the stages of man­u­fac­tur­ing those prod­ucts, so we reach 100% of Cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. Cre­ative Seat­ing Sys­tems is known for pro­vid­ing a vari­ety of styles, and design­er Cafe Chairs in Pune, Mum­bai, Del­hi, and Ban­ga­lore

The Right Choice for Your Gar­den Fur­ni­ture

Mate­r­i­al selec­tion for your gar­den fur­ni­ture is an invest­ment that will allow you to avoid good com­fort and dura­bil­i­ty togeth­er with aes­thet­ic fea­tures. Whether made of wood, met­al, or plas­tic, this will depend on your pref­er­ence, cli­mat­ic con­di­tions as well as the amount of care to be devot­ed to the fur­ni­ture.

Final Thoughts: Mak­ing the Right Choice for Your Gar­den Fur­ni­ture

Choos­ing the right mate­r­i­al for your gar­den fur­ni­ture isn’t just about style—it’s about mak­ing a long-term invest­ment in com­fort, dura­bil­i­ty, and aes­thet­ics. Whether you’re drawn to the nat­ur­al warmth of wood, the sleek­ness of met­al, or the prac­ti­cal­i­ty of plas­tic, make sure your choice aligns with your local weath­er, main­te­nance needs, and per­son­al pref­er­ences.

Con­tact Us

Please make a note of the fol­low­ing con­tact infor­ma­tion: The tele­phone num­ber of the asso­ci­a­tion is +918446023233 while the address is Sr.No. 33/1, Kha­di Machine Chowk, Near Tele­phone. . Exist­ing hos­pi­tals and med­ical cen­ters, Yewle­wa­di Road, Kond­hwa (BK), Pune, India.

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