In using the Shop­ping Ser­vice by Creav­tiveseat­ing, you (The User) are deemed to have accept­ed the terms and con­di­tions list­ed below. reserves the right to add, delete, alter or mod­i­fy these terms and con­di­tions at any time. The User is there­fore advised to read care­ful­ly these terms and con­di­tions each time he or she uses the shop­ping service(s).

All products/services and infor­ma­tion dis­played on con­sti­tute an “invi­ta­tion to offer” Your order for pur­chase con­sti­tutes your “offer” which shall be sub­ject to the terms and con­di­tions as list­ed below. reserves the right to accept or reject your offer.

The agree­ment between you and Creav­tiveseat­ing, shall be sub­ject to the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions :

  1. The User cer­ti­fies that he/she is at least 18 (eigh­teen) years of age or has the con­sent of a par­ent or legal guardian.
  2. These terms and con­di­tions super­sede all pre­vi­ous rep­re­sen­ta­tions, under­stand­ings, or agree­ments and shall pre­vail notwith­stand­ing any vari­ance with any oth­er terms of any order sub­mit­ted. By using the Shop­ping ser­vices of, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Con­di­tions.
  3. All prices, unless indi­cat­ed oth­er­wise are in Indi­an Rupees.
  4. All prices and avail­abil­i­ty of prod­ucts are sub­ject to change with­out pri­or notice at the sole dis­cre­tion of
  5. reserves the right to refuse or can­cel any order placed for a prod­uct that is list­ed at an incor­rect price. This shall be regard­less of whether the order has been con­firmed and/or pay­ment been levied via cred­it card. In the event the pay­ment has been processed by the same shall be cred­it­ed to your cred­it card account and duly noti­fied to you by email.
  6. In a cred­it card trans­ac­tion, you must use your own cred­it card. will not be liable for any cred­it card fraud. The lia­bil­i­ty to use a card fraud­u­lent­ly will be on the user and the onus to ‘prove oth­er­wise’ shall be exclu­sive­ly on the user.
  7. Any request for can­cel­la­tions of orders once duly placed on the site, shall not be enter­tained.
  8. In the event that a non-deliv­ery occurs on account of a mis­take by you (i.e. wrong name or address) any extra cost incurred by for rede­liv­ery shall be claimed from the User plac­ing the order.
  9. shall not be liable for any delay / non-deliv­ery of pur­chased goods due to flood, fire, wars, acts of God or any cause that is beyond the con­trol of
  10. The User agrees to use the ser­vices pro­vid­ed by its affil­i­ates, con­sul­tants and con­tract­ed com­pa­nies, for law­ful pur­pos­es only.
  11. The User agrees to pro­vide authen­tic and true infor­ma­tion. reserves the right to con­firm and val­i­date the infor­ma­tion and oth­er details pro­vid­ed by the User at any point of time. If upon con­fir­ma­tion such User details are found not to be true (whol­ly or part­ly), has the right in its sole dis­cre­tion to reject the reg­is­tra­tion and debar the User from using the Ser­vices of creativeseatings.inShopping, and / or oth­er affil­i­at­ed web­sites with­out pri­or inti­ma­tion what­so­ev­er.
  12. will not be respon­si­ble for any dam­age suf­fered by users from use of the ser­vices on this site. This with­out lim­i­ta­tion includes loss of revenue/data result­ing from delays, non-deliv­er­ies, missed deliv­er­ies, or ser­vice inter­rup­tions as may occur because of any act. This dis­claimer of lia­bil­i­ty also applies to any dam­ages or injury caused by any fail­ure of per­for­mance, error, omis­sion, inter­rup­tion, dele­tion, defect, delay in oper­a­tion or trans­mis­sion, com­put­er virus, com­mu­ni­ca­tion line fail­ure, theft or destruc­tion or unau­tho­rised access to, alter­ation of, or use of record, whether for breach of con­tract, tor­tu­ous behav­iour, neg­li­gence, or under any oth­er cause of action.
  13. The User express­ly agrees that the use of service(s) of creativeseatings.inShopping is at the User’­sole risk.The Service(s) of is pro­vid­ed on an “as is” basis with­out war­ranties of any kind, whether express or, its affil­i­ates, employ­ees, agents, consultants,contracted com­pa­nies make no war­ranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the ser­vice it is pro­vid­ing or as to the results that may be obtained from use of the Ser­vice, or as to the accu­ra­cy, reli­a­bil­i­ty or con­tent of any infor­ma­tion, ser­vice, or mer­chan­dise pro­vid­ed through this Ser­vice.
  14. This agree­ment shall be con­strued in accor­dance with the applic­a­ble laws of India. The Courts at Mum­bai shall have exclu­sive juris­dic­tion in any pro­ceed­ings aris­ing out of this agree­ment.

These Terms and Con­di­tions (“T&C”) are elec­tron­ic record in terms of Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy Act, 2000 and Rules made there under (as amend­ed from time to time) (“IT Act”). This elec­tron­ic record is gen­er­at­ed by a com­put­er sys­tem and does not require any phys­i­cal or dig­i­tal sig­na­tures. These T&C are pub­lished in accor­dance with the pro­vi­sions of the applic­a­ble rules of the IT Act, that require pub­lish­ing the rules and reg­u­la­tions, pri­va­cy pol­i­cy and T&C for access or usage of / web­sites (“Web­site”).

Please read these T&C care­ful­ly as they set out the terms of a legal­ly bind­ing agree­ment between you (the read­er) and Cre­ative seat­ing sys­tems a com­pa­ny incor­po­rat­ed under the Com­pa­nies Act, 1956 hav­ing its reg­is­tered office at Kha­di machine chowk,yewalewadi road, kond­hwa, Pune-411048. The terms “you” and “user” as used here­in refer to all indi­vid­u­als and/or enti­ties access­ing this Web­site for any rea­son what­so­ev­er. In case you seek any clar­i­fi­ca­tions regard­ing the terms stat­ed here­un­der you may cor­re­spond with the Com­pa­ny at the address men­tioned under the ‘Con­tact Us’ sec­tion of the Web­site.

These T&Cs and any addi­tion­al terms post­ed on this Web­site togeth­er con­sti­tute the entire agree­ment between Cre­ative seat­ing sys­tems and you with respect to your use of this Web­site.