Deliv­ery and Ship­ping

When you order items online you are con­firm­ing you agree to our Deliv­ery and Ship­ping Pol­i­cy.

Ship­ping Pol­i­cy

Cre­ative seat­ing sys­tems shall deter­mine the man­ner of ship­ping our items to you. Where pos­si­ble, we ship items with our trans­ports and give our trans­ports full per­mis­sion to leave all parcels at res­i­den­tial address­es in pref­er­ence to this par­cel return­ing to the transport’s depot. The par­cel will only be giv­en per­mis­sion to be left at a safe place at a res­i­dence and will not be left in any place that the trans­port deems unsafe to theft. If a cus­tomer does not pre­fer to have an author­i­ty to leave, the cus­tomer must advise Cre­ative seat­ing sys­tems before deliv­ery.

Check out the ship­ping charges below:

Ship­ping Rates and Deliv­ery Esti­mate 

Ship­ping charges for your order will be cal­cu­lat­ed and dis­played at check­out.

We do free deliv­ery with­in Pune with­in 5 km, Rest of places our Ship­ping charge is 17% from subto­tal of an order.

*Deliv­ery delays can occa­sion­al­ly occur.

Esti­mate Deliv­ery Times

The deliv­ery is avail­able in all regions of India

It usu­al­ly takes 2- 3 days (Mon-Sat) to process your order and 4–5 work­ing days (Mon-Sat) to deliv­er the order to your door.

Prod­ucts are typ­i­cal­ly dis­patched with­in 3–4 or 5–7 busi­ness days of order con­fir­ma­tion depend­ing on your des­ti­na­tion and quan­ti­ty, the lead time may vary for quan­ti­ty above 5 Nos. Once the prod­uct is dis­patched for deliv­ery we will noti­fy you of the same.

Any order placed after work­ing hours shall be processed the fol­low­ing day. Dur­ing the pub­lic hol­i­days, there may be a delay in order pro­cess­ing and deliv­er­ies. Some cir­cum­stances may arise out of our con­trol, which leads to deliv­er­ies not arriv­ing with­in the esti­mat­ed time. If your order is more than 3 busi­ness days late based on the above guide­lines, please con­tact us via email at and pro­vide your name, order num­ber, and date of order.

For cus­tom orders will take longer days and com­mu­ni­cat­ed peri­od­i­cal­ly

Com­mence­ment of Ship­ping and Track­ing

Deliv­ery time starts once your pay­ment has been cleared and the item has been dis­patched from our ware­house. With­in Pune usu­al­ly takes 2–3 work­ing days for Office Chairs, for cane and office table 4–5 days for quan­ti­ty less than 5 nos, ship­ping for bulk order or any cus­tom order deliv­ery lead time may vary depend­ing on cus­tomer loca­tion and quan­ti­ty.

We will send you order track­ing details from one of our trans­ports. Please allow up to 48 hours from time of noti­fi­ca­tion sent for the transport’s online track­ing infor­ma­tion to be updat­ed.

Inves­ti­ga­tions into the sta­tus of deliv­er­ies will not be lodged by Cre­ative seat­ing sys­tems until the esti­mat­ed deliv­ery date has lapsed.

Cus­toms, Duties, and Tax­es

 My Web­site  is not respon­si­ble for any cus­toms and tax­es applied to your order. All fees imposed dur­ing or after ship­ping are the respon­si­bil­i­ties of the cus­tomer (tar­iffs, tax­es, etc.).


 My Web­site is not liable for any prod­ucts dam­aged or lost dur­ing ship­ping. If you received your order dam­aged, please con­tact the ship­ment car­ri­er to file a claim. Please save all pack­ag­ing mate­ri­als and dam­aged goods before fil­ing a claim.

Also, we are always avail­able to answer any ques­tions and lis­ten to sug­ges­tions, hap­py to answer regard­ing our deliv­ery pol­i­cy. Or call us at (+91) 8446023233 or email us at any time.