creative seatings

Types of Workstation Chairs: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Workspace


Want to change your work­space? The work­sta­tion chair is the biggest deter­min­ing fac­tor in mak­ing the right deci­sion! Explore the var­i­ous kinds of work­sta­tion chairs avail­able, their fea­tures, and the one that will help you find the per­fect fit to enhance com­fort and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.


Let’s face it. If you spend sev­er­al hours at the office, it is not a chair you’re sit­ting in but an invest­ment in your com­fort pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and even health. The right work­sta­tion chair can make or break a day. The wrong chair can give you back prob­lems, make you feel tired, and even long-term health prob­lems. A good chair can pro­vide com­fort and enable effi­cien­cy to improve your focus on your work.

When you have an array of so many dif­fer­ent work­sta­tion chairs how on earth are you sup­posed to know which one is best for your needs? Read on to take a guide through all the dif­fer­ent types of chairs, what to look for in a shop, and some gen­er­al advice on how to make sure you pick the right one to help your needs — be it in India or even buy­ing work­sta­tion chairs online. Why the Prop­er Work­sta­tion Chair Mat­ters

Before detail­ing work­sta­tion chairs, let’s talk a bit about why get­ting the right one mat­ters.

Com­fort: An ergonom­ic chair pro­vides sup­port as well as adjusta­bil­i­ty to make long hours at work eas­i­er for you.

Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty: The more com­fort­able you are, the less side­tracked you are. A good chair helps you focus and be more pro­duc­tive.

Health: A good chair pro­motes good pos­ture and pre­vents or eas­es neck, shoul­der, and back pain.

Dura­bil­i­ty: You may pay a whole lot more for an expen­sive chair, but it’s saved you mon­ey and aches in the long run because it reduces wear and tear on both your body and the chair.

Types of Work­sta­tion Chairs

Let’s break down the most com­mon types of work­sta­tion chairs you’ll find in offices and home work­spaces across India.

Here are dif­fer­ent types of chairs for your work­space:

  1. Ergonom­ic Chairs

Ergonom­ic chairs ensure prop­er pos­ture and com­fort. These can even be used for all those who would sit for hours on end at a desk. Online stores like Godrej Inte­rio and Feath­er­lite sell ergonom­ic chairs.

  1. Mesh Chairs: Mesh chairs are light and breath­able, per­fect for warm cli­mate seat­ing. Indi­an users can source them from Wipro Fur­ni­ture and Green­Soul.
  1. Exec­u­tive Chairs: Exec­u­tive chairs are made to be com­fort­able as well as styl­ish. They are ide­al for pro­fes­sion­als or man­agers. The most pop­u­lar brands sell­ing exec­u­tive chairs include Duri­an and Godrej Inte­rio.
  1. Task Chairs: Rigid and afford­able, used on a part-time basis. Sold in online store sites as well as in the phys­i­cal fur­ni­ture shops.
  2. Kneel­ing Chairs: such chairs are meant to cre­ate an open hip angle and prop­er pos­ture. Suit­able for those who are affect­ed with a back­ache. It can be obtained online from the stores of Flip­kart and Ama­zon India. Ergonom­ic Chairs

If you have ever heard that an invest­ment in a good chair is an invest­ment in your health, then they were prob­a­bly talk­ing about ergonom­ic chairs. Ergonom­ic chairs are built to have fea­tures that can be changed and will accom­mo­date sup­port for the right pos­ture along with com­fort. They are very suit­able for those who sit in a work­sta­tion for long peri­ods.


Adjustable height on seat and arm­rest, as well as back­rest

Lum­bar sup­port- Major­ly focus is on pro­vid­ing com­fort for the low­er back

Some­times, it goes along with a head­rest as a reliev­er for the neck and the shoul­ders.

Good for:

For extreme com­put­er use of over 6 hours in a day, back and/or neck prob­lems, or even for opti­mal com­fort and sup­port.

Why This?: Health and com­fort can eas­i­ly be achieved if you get the right ergonom­ic chairs. If you are tired of this pain caused by sit­ting, find your cure here.

Where to find: Work­sta­tion chairs are offered by Godrej Inte­rio, Feath­er­lite, and oth­er brands that have spe­cial­ly designed ergonom­ic setups suit­able for Indi­an users.

  1. Mesh Chairs

Mesh chairs are most pre­ferred when a light-breath­able chair is need­ed. These chairs are pro­vid­ed with a mesh back that leaves an open pas­sage that brings air through the chair, keep­ing you cool even dur­ing long work­ing hours. Gen­er­al­ly, it pro­vides a bal­ance between com­fort and func­tion­al­i­ty.


Mesh back per­mits air pas­sage

Adjustable seat and lum­bar sup­port

Mesh mate­r­i­al, ide­al for hot cli­mates

Ide­al for: Those who sit in hot cli­mate con­di­tions, or who want a mesh that will give the com­fort of min­i­mal sweat­ing. This is a less bulky chair.

Why choose it?: Mesh chairs are def­i­nite­ly ide­al for com­fort, espe­cial­ly in the hot and humid con­di­tions of most parts of India. They serve the pur­pose of giv­ing breatha­bil­i­ty so that sweat and sub­se­quent­ly dis­com­fort can be min­i­mized while you sit for a long time.

Pop­u­lar choic­es in India: Wipro Fur­ni­ture and Green­Soul also offer mesh chairs to tar­get Indi­an users. They are avail­able in phys­i­cal stores as well as through online sales.

  1. Exec­u­tive Chairs

Exec­u­tive chairs are pri­mar­i­ly meant for peo­ple of high­er des­ig­na­tions and man­agers. Exec­u­tive chairs are for com­fort and lux­u­ry, most­ly made from leather or faux leather. Though not very great for ergonom­ics prac­ti­cal­i­ty, such chairs are designed for peo­ple who need to sit for a long time.

Leather or faux leather is uti­lized in these exec­u­tive chairs for pre­mi­um mate­r­i­al.

Has a high back to offer full upper body sup­port

Some­times padded arm­rests and head­rests are added

Good for:

Work­ing pro­fes­sion­als or man­agers who want to look fash­ion­able and feel com­fort­able. Exec­u­tive chairs will work well in a home office or a for­mal work­ing set­ting when pre­sen­ta­tions are to be made as they pay atten­tion to how things look.

Exec­u­tive chairs are a state­ment of lux­u­ry and com­fort. If you are look­ing for some­thing sleek with more lux­u­ri­ous cush­ion­ing, then this is the chair for you.

Where to buy in India:

Some pop­u­lar brands are avail­able in India- Duri­an and Godrej Inte­rio. Exec­u­tive chairs are also eas­i­ly avail­able online as well as in stores.

  1. Task Chairs

This is a very sim­ple, no-frills option, task chairs are made for short-time use, and it is most­ly found in work­places, where peo­ple go and return from their desks quite often. They tend to be short­er and small­er but still pro­vide some basic func­tion­al­i­ties like adjustable height.


Adjustable height

Swivel­ing base for easy adjust­ment

Light­weight and is gen­er­al­ly with­out arm­rests

Best For: Users who spend few­er hours at their desks or pre­fer a no-frills chair that is just plain or min­i­mal­ist.

Why Choose It?: If you want to get a cheap work­ing chair for short peri­ods, a task chair would be the best. It’s per­fect for stu­dents or even oth­ers who don’t spend too much time sit­ting.

How to buy:

Just like Ama­zon India, var­i­ous phys­i­cal fur­ni­ture shops sell dif­fer­ent kinds of task chairs. The cheap­est one from the above vari­eties is usu­al­ly of this type.

Are you in search of some­thing unusu­al? Kneel­ing chairs have an open angle of the hips because they place your body in a for­ward-slant­i­ng man­ner. They reduce pres­sure on your spine and can improve your pos­ture. They are best for peo­ple who have back prob­lems or want to sit in a live­ly sit­ting pos­ture.

Some of the fea­tures include:

For­ward-slop­ing seat

Knee padding to dis­trib­ute weight

Min­i­mal­is­tic design

Good for:

Peo­ple who are suf­fer­ing from back­ache or seek­ing improve­ment in pos­ture at work.

Why use?

An active sit­ting pos­ture is the virtue of a kneel­ing chair that can be well-suit­ed for great spinal align­ment. It is a great relief if one has not been too com­fort­able with the con­ven­tion­al seat­ing arrange­ments. Kneel­ing chairs can thus offer an alter­na­tive sit­ting posi­tion that feels com­fort­able and unique.

Where to buy in India:

Ergonom­ic chairs can be found through online stores like Flip­kart and Ama­zon India under the cat­e­go­ry name “ergonom­ic chair.”

How to Choose the Right Office Chair for Your Needs

With this many office chairs out there, how do you pick the right one?

Here are some guide­lines for choos­ing:

  1. How long you will be sit­ting: If you spend long hours at your desk, then it should be ergonom­ic or exec­u­tive. Oth­er­wise, sit for rel­a­tive­ly short peri­ods, and a task chair or mesh chair would do just fine.
  2. Adjustable: Buy chairs that are designed with adjusta­bil­i­ty on seat height, lum­bar sup­port, and arm­rests. Then you can per­son­al­ize it to meet your body shape.
  3. Con­sid­er your work­space: A task chair or a kneel­ing chair, then, is ide­al if you’re work­ing in a very small space. If you work in an expan­sive room, you’re more like­ly to opt for a bulki­er exec­u­tive or ergonom­ic chair.
  4. Cli­mate: If you are com­ing from a hot region, then what you’ll need is a mesh chair that will pro­vide you with enough air­flow to cool you down. Exec­u­tive chairs are too expen­sive for com­fort, and they do tend to heat up, espe­cial­ly those made of leather or faux leather.

Work­sta­tion Chairs Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions

Q: What is the best work­sta­tion chair in India?

A: The best chair depends on your spe­cif­ic needs. For long hours, ergonom­ic chairs from brands like Feath­er­lite are good to go. In case you’re look­ing for a style and com­fort that merge with both, exec­u­tive chairs from Godrej Inte­rio are excel­lent choic­es.

Q: Can I pur­chase work­sta­tion chairs in India online?

A: Yes, plen­ty of such brands are offer­ing work­sta­tion chairs, for instance, Wipro Fur­ni­ture and Green­Soul. Ama­zon India and Flip­kart have quite a wide range.

Q: What’s the dif­fer­ence between an ergonom­ic chair and a task chair?

A: Ergonom­ic chairs are designed to pro­vide com­fort over long peri­ods. They have lots of fea­tures: there might be lum­bar sup­port and adjustable height. Task chairs are small­er and are more for short peri­ods.

Some­times, it comes down to the lit­tle things: a good work­sta­tion chair. From sim­ple, afford­able task chairs to ergonom­ic designs that will pro­vide you with health­i­er long-term sup­port, every kind of work­space calls for a suit­able chair. All you need to do is take some time and assess what you need and what your work­space needs and it’s guar­an­teed to be all set­tled when you find the per­fect fit for your office!

Con­tact Us

Please make a note of the fol­low­ing con­tact infor­ma­tion: The tele­phone num­ber of the asso­ci­a­tion is +918446023233 while the address is Sr.No. 33/1, Kha­di Machine Chowk, Near Tele­phone. . Exist­ing hos­pi­tals and med­ical cen­ters, Yewle­wa­di Road, Kond­hwa (BK), Pune, India.

Look­ing for that per­fect Work­sta­tion chair’s in Pune? Explore a wide vari­ety of the best top-of-the-line office chairs designed to deliv­er ulti­mate com­fort, style, and last­ing dura­bil­i­ty at Cre­ative Seat­ing today.

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